Ho yee KWONG
文學與其他藝術的跨媒體創作實踐,一直迫使作者反思「文學」作為獨特藝術形式的本質。比較文學視野下,韋勒克(René Wellek, 1903-1995)主張以平行研究的方法探討各種藝術之間辯證關係的複雜結構,朗格(Susanne Langer, 1895-1985)從符號學美學的角度闡述不同藝術符號系統之間的「同化原則」,米歇爾(W.J.T. Mitchell, 1942- )更從「複合圖文」的概念討論文學與其他藝術的媒介和文化形式所構成的文本,其中包含不同符碼、論述慣例、感官和認知模式。不同的理論體系雖有助分析各種藝術媒體之間的關係,但文學的「越界」嘗試,卻不斷挑戰理論的邊界。本文將借助筆者於大學本科課程開設「文學與藝術」專題科目的經驗,從理論學習至創作實踐,考察同學如何通過文學與其他藝術(音樂、繪畫、建築、電影)的跨媒體創作,重新思考文學以至其他藝術媒體本身的特質和邊限,並嘗試對跨藝術的研究提出理論性的反思。
Beyond theories: Reflections on Intermedia Creations to Literature
To put literary work and other intermedia creations into practice, it constantly urges the authors to ponder over the unique artistic nature of “Literature”. René Wellek (1903-1995) advocated to probe into the complicated structure on the dialectical relations between different forms of arts from the perspective of Parallel Study in Comparative Literature. Susanne Langer (1895-1985) elaborated the “principle of assimilation” among various artistic semiotics systems from semiotics and aesthetics point of view. With an introduction of “composite image text”, W.J.T. Mitchell (1942- ) further explored the literary and other artistic media as well as the constitution of texts in cultural form that includes different signifiers, discourse conventions, sensory and cognitive models. Although different theoretical systems help analyze the relations between various artistic medias, the attempt to “overstep the literary boundary” continuously challenges the theoretic border. Based on the author’s experiences in teaching the university program “Literature and Arts”, not only will this thesis examine how the students could have a good deal of rethinking on the characteristics and boundary of literature and other artistic media by means of literary and other intermedia creations (such as music, paintings, architecture and movies), but it will also make an attempt to have a theoretical reflection on the cross over art works study.