WU Ming Yi
英國作家庫雷西(Hanif Kureishi)曾提過,學院裡的「創意寫作」是「浪費時間」,主要是因為寫作需要天分,學校裡的教師往往不知道怎麼引導寫作,而且學院體制則常常摧折人心。另一方面,像是獲得布克獎的伊蓮諾‧卡頓(Eleanor Catton)等作家,卻也是出身於這類「創作課程」。學院裡的創作課程,究竟對創作的傷害與幫助在哪裡?我試著以一個創作者及教授者的身分,談談這些年來的經驗,並且提供自己的教學方式、材料與聽眾分享、討論。
Teaching Creative Writing: A Vain Attempt? My Teaching Experience at National Dong Hwa University
Hanif Kureishi, a British author, has mentioned that teaching "creative writing" in the university is a "waste of time", mainly because writing requires genius. Not only do teachers not know how to guide writing, the system itself is the source of frustration. On the other hand, however, some writers such as Eleanor Catton, who won the Man Booker Prize, took creative writing courses. What are the benefits and harms of creative writing workshops in the academy? I will share my experiences as a writer and as a professor with examples of my teaching methods and materials as a basis for discussion.